dna Barcoding
Constructing DNA barcode library of Cerambycinae
: an essential pre-step for precise immatures’ identification
In this chapter, we implemented DNA barcode that enables effective and easy identification of living species in all forms to accurately identify larvae and pupae of Cerambycinae collected in natural conditions. COI barcode library was constructed using 574 additional public sequences and 98 de novo adult sequences that were accurately identified through morphological identification and. Among 90 larvae and 80 pupae, 31 larvae and 15 pupae were remained unidentified after identification based on morphological and biological evidences. We successfully amplified De novo COI sequences from 68 larvae and 59 pupae and analyzed and compared them with adult sequences. Through tree-based molecular identification, 28 out of 31 undetermined larvae (90.3%), 14 out of 15 undetermined pupae (93.3%) were identified to the species level.